Monday, November 28, 2011

Levitation / Magnetism

How does Superman have the ability to fly? One theory suggests that his flying is based on the magnetic content of his body and the Earth's polarity, so he can push himself away and pull himself toward it.

In this short video, the levitation trick works because giant magnetic fields slightly distort the orbits of electrons in the frog's atoms. The resulting electric current generates a magnetic field in the opposite direction to that of the magnet. A field of 16 teslas created an attractive force strong enough to make the frog float until it made its escape.

More Magnetic Levitation Explained

How does the levitating top work?

The Levitron spins and surfs on magnetic waves! Pass your hand above, underneath, and around the top. It will continue to spin and float only touching air! The LEVITRON floats free in space, supported only by therepelling magnetic force produced by permanent magnets.

Click here for the levitating top video.

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